Well if you read my earlier post, or you know me personally, than you probably already knew today was Camden's tubes day! In the previous post I mentioned how poor Camden was food/milk deprived before surgery and he fiercely tried to chug a Tylenol bottle! Here is the picture of proof Pretty pitiful huh?
Well, we arrived right on time at 6:30. Of course we would of had NO excuse to be late since we had been awake since 3:30 this morning. Camden's sweet Meme and Papa were there to great us! Derek had Carson duty and work so he couldn't be there. I know he wanted to be, in fact he got up before we left and prayed over Camden! Once we were there and situated, they called us back and had me dress Camden in a little baby hospital gown(it was kind of cute if you want the truth of the matter) and took all his vitals! He wasn't too impressed with what was going on because by this point he was doing all he could to stay awake! The anesthesiologist, ENT Dr., and several nurses took turns coming in and telling us all we needed to know about what was going to happen! Here is Camden looking tired and unenthusiastic about what he has seen
Then the time came. Honestly, I think that was the hardest part. Having to hand your baby over to a nurse and watch them walk down the hall into an OR is harder than you can imagine. I thought I would hold it all together, but I could feel my eyes start to tear up at that moment. LUCKILY, I didn't cry. I reminded myself that this was an easy procedure, and that God was in control. We went back to the lobby and then waited. It seemed like hours, but really only 15 minutes passed before the Dr. came out and told me that two of us could go back and see him. I went back naturally and his papa too. Camden was still out when we went back to see him, and that was pretty wierd to see. Here he is, just after the procedure! I told the nurse he would probably sleep as long as she would let him because he was exhausted, but she assured me that wouldn't happen because she was going to wake him up herself! Camden woke up crying and irritated, but who could blame the little guy! He immediately was given a bottle of apple juice and quickly calmed down. I was so happy to see him awake and alert. Everything went just fine and I am so glad this is over. I am praying this is the answer to our prayers and that Camden is finally free to be happy, pain free, and antibiotic FREE! :) Here he is with papa chugging down his juice!
Thanks everyone who covered us in prayer and gave us so many encouraging words! It is so nice to have supportive people in your lives who are there for you in times of need! :)
Park City Utah
2 years ago