By this I mean these beat red, scaly, cheeks! I don't mean to sound pitiful! I mean I know, trust me, I could have SOO much worse. I am FOREVER grateful that God blessed me with a(mostly) healthy baby. It's just terribly OLD hearing people ask me why his cheeks are so red? Even kids lol, they walk up and say whats wrong with that baby's cheeks? I then have to try to explain eczema and all the FUN that comes alone with it! I was PROMISED by Dr's that this would be almost NON-EXISTENT during spring and summer, but HELLO isn't it 86 degrees outside and isn't my babies cheeks(regardless of the GLOBS of medicine and Vaseline I keep on them) still BEAT RED?
I am starting to think maybe this is some kind of pattern that I am not catching on to? I am suspicious of YET another ear infection and maybe his cheeks just get worse when his ears are infected? His reflux seems to defiantly peek when he has ear infections(or maybe the reflux causes the infection...still debating that one) I really don't know! I guess today I am just aggravated(I do have a sinus infection so cut me a little slack :)) and feeling a little sympathetic for Camden. His young life has been tougher than I think he should have to deal with. Between the REFLUX, Eczema, and Ear Infections the baby just doesn't get a break. Can you imagine his point of you? I bet he thinks life is pretty crappy right now, but thankfully once he outgrows all this stupid stuff he will see life in a whole new, BETTER light I hope!
Ok, Ok, enough complaining. On a happier note, Carson was in the ROSE BUD parade last night and boy was he ever cute! He was so excited when he saw Mommy, Daddy, Meme, Papa, and really the WHOLE Godwin crew cheering him on! His little face just LIT up and he started waving his flag like you've never seen! You could tell he was super proud of himself and we were sure proud of him too!!! This weekend I think I am going to spend ALL DAY SATURDAY working on using the potty! I know he is smart enough, but I am a little apprehensive because Carson is what we like to call a "Hard Headed Child." Once he has it in his mind he isn't going to do something, try all you want but the child just isn't going to do it. A good example is lets say eating something he doesn't want to eat! No matter HOW long I make him sit in his booster seat and tell him he has to at least eat a few bits, he won't! He will sit there forever and never even take one bite! So, this should be a fun new challenge to say the least! Any advice?
Hello! I just stumbled on your blog from HIS Will Wednesdays on little april rose and can't help but recognize my own son who is 7-months-old in your son's photos...the red scaly cheeks. Have you tried Pure Baby Eczema Care (I get it at It takes consistent application (at least 1-2 times every day) but it has helped my son immensely. I know different things work for different people but as someone who has suffered with exzema myself for as long as I can remember, I'd like to throw that suggestion out there in the hopes that it could help just ONE person! It works for us! Your son is adorable! You are in my prayers and you battle his challenges! And good luck with potty training! My 3-year-old is FINALLY getting the hang of it!
ReplyDeleteOk, so my little one recently had tubes after recurring ear infections that weren't treated w/ antibiotics. BEST thing ever! I'm serious- it was scary before we did it, but SO worth it.
ReplyDeleteHe's also suffered from excema his whole life (all 20 months of it, haha). I've learned that excema is actually reaction to foods- food allergies! Take the boy to an allergist! Look it up online! We haven't totally gotten rid of the excema but by eliminating milk and eggs he has WAY less excema. We also only do a bath every other night and use an adult cream on it (baby creams are too wimpy).