This week has been a week of first for Camden! The first "first" he experienced this week was drinking(without me trying to force him) out of a sippy cup. A Month or so ago, I purchased some sippy cups for him with a semi-soft spout. The wrapping said for ages 7+ months so I figured this would be perfect to start him with. Unfortunately, he did not agree. He wanted NOTHING to do with this thing, and he had no problem letting me know it. With Carson, I started him on a sippy cup most moms are probably familiar with called "Nuby." The spouts are super soft and to be honest almost bottle like just with a different shape. I didn't want to start Camden on that because it just seems pointless to take them off a bottle just to put them on really another bottle. So, basically I just put the sippy cup idea aside and decided I would try again around his birthday. Fortunately for me, Camden is a child full of surprises and about two weeks ago I started noticing him getting a hold of Carson's sippy cups and taking sips out of them. Keep in mind, Carson's cups are NOT soft whatsoever, they are hard topped, and have no flexibility in the nipple. I was impressed, so this week I thought, you know, I will make Camden a sippy cup of juice in a one of the hard topped sippys and see what happens. Sure enough he took right too it and is sipping like a pro! GO CAMDEN! Here is a picture of him during MID sip :)
Another big first this week was drinking REAL milk. This past weekend while doing my weekly grocery shopping, I remembered I was almost out of formula. I sat there staring at that can of GOOD START NATURAL CULTURES and its price of $27.99 a can, and I decided right then I was going to just TRY real milk and see what happens. I knew that at his 12 month check up(which is now less than a month away) his Dr. will recommend him switch to whole milk anyways. I weighed the pros and cons and decided worst case of scenario he hated it and I have to go buy a can of formula, that was a risk worth taking in my opinion. So, that night, I poured him his first cup of milk and just as I had hoped, he LOVED IT! No more formula for this baby, he is now an official Organic MILK DRINKER! :)
I saved the BIGGEST first for last of course. Unfortunately, I don't have a picture to share because it keeps happening before I can run and get my camera, but Camden took his first step this week! He is not walking, but he will stand and then take a step, and usually fall shortly after. In my eyes, HUGE progress though, and I have no doubts he will be walking by his birthday, which is quickly approaching now! Even thought this is my second child, I still am amazed at how quickly it all goes by. I cannot believe almost a year has gone by since I first layed eyes on this beautiful child God gave me that we call CAMDEN! :)
Ending this post with a cute picture I caught of the boys this week!
That is a cute picture! Addison LOVES drinking water from a cup, but milk just is happening VERY slowly. I tried real milk just after her first birthday and she spit up several times so she wasn't ready. But I'm about to try again soon. She refusing to drink milk out of her cup but proudly sips water, so not too sure what to do other than to gently keep trying. Yay for firsts!