CALM DOWN! No baby number three is NOT on his/her way, has NOT been conceived, and is NOT trying to be conceived! :)
Just thoughtI would write a post about this baby who isn't even in the making yet. Since Camden has turned one, it seems everyone is asking when we will try again! I always laugh inside when people say that. I too am guilty of asking when a couple will "try again", but isn't the phrase "try again" funny! It sounds like you might not have got it right the first time, so you need to "TRY AGAIN!"
Well as for Mr. and Mrs. Godwin(us), we have a plan. Plans don't always go as expected, but I really am hoping and praying ours does! As most know, I am a full time student. I still have about 2 years left of school before I am an OFFICIAL R.N. and that needs to be FULLY accomplished before baby number three is even an option. I am expected to graduate Summer of 2011 and hopefully will be placed into a job immediately! I have thought long and hard about when I would like baby number three to be born and I really want a October or November baby! That means I would have to conceive January/February and that would work out very nicely because that will be about 4 or 5 months after I have graduated and I will hopefully be into a very nice career by then! So, if all goes according to plan baby number three will be conceived hopefully early in 2012. Carson will be 5 and Camden will be about 3 and 1/2 and that sounds like a GREAT time to bring in a new addition! It doesn't hurt that they will both be in school when baby number 3 makes their arrival either! :)
I totally understand that my life is ALREADY planned out by someone else. God knows every detail that will unfold in front of me even before it happens and I am just merely here to follow the path he has for me. God and I have been doing lots of talking lately though and I know he knows the desires of my heart! He knows my heart longs for more children but he also knows I have dreams I am chasing and pursuing too. :)
Park City Utah
3 years ago