Tuesday, November 24, 2009

It's beggining to look ALOT like Christmas!

And it TRULY is! I love so many things about the holiday season and I honestly pretty much LIVE for this time all year long. I love the crisp cool weather, the changing leaves, the smile on everyone's faces. I LOVE the awesome food, the time with family, and the beautiful lights and decorations everywhere! I LOVE THIS TIME OF YEAR!! I have so much to be thankful for, and I have truly been one blessed women this year! I am a NURSING student, mommy, wife, I have great friends, A great family......life is GOOD! I have to admit there are certain things I absolutely LOATHE about this season too! Like uhhh hmmmm Exhibit A:
Camden's oh so infamous red cheeks! Ugly old Mr.Eczema is trying to rear his little head, but Mommy here is staying on top of it and doing everything she can to prevent that from happening. I am coating those cheecks day and night and so far he isn't making TOO much of an appearance yet! Exhibit B:...Wait on second thought I won't even SHARE this grusome image with yall, but exhibit B would be nasty ear infections! I cannt STAND them. Since Camden has had his tubes put in, we have been blessed and not seen the first sign of an ear infection until yesterday when he woke up with the grossest thing you have just about ever seen pouring out of his ear. I was truly horrified and after a visit to his Dr. I was told Camden indeed had an ear infection! Last winter was SO brutal on little Cam's ear that we ended up with tubes. Although, I know the tubes are doing their job by releasing all that pressure out of his little ears, I truly hope we don't go through all the ear infections we dealt with last year! Thank goodness now though, I know what to expect and won't FREAK OUT next time I see that nasty gunk oozing out of his ears. I think I just hate sick babies all together.

I think I hate my babies being sick, because when they are all well, LOOK how darn cute they are??!
I am so thankful for those precious little faces!!! I am also thankful for their daddy who takes care of us and supports us both financially and emotionally! WE LOVE HIM TOO! :-)

Yes, our family has all around had some very ROCKY times this year, we have been hit with some hard blows, but non the less my list of "things to be thankful for" is still VERY long and I know that I am blessed beyond belief!!!

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