I love them so much, they make my life special and warm. This past Saturday was our annual "joint birthday party" where we celebrate, Mine, Derek's and his Mom's birthdays. We all get together and eat a good meal, and exchange gifts. I love it, because its not about what everyone is getting, but more about spending quality time together as a family. Usually, its JUST family, but this year I invited Aaron, Stephen, and Peyton too, because at this point I feel like they are just as much family as our really family is. I am glad they came, because it made the night just that much better! Peyton was SUPER happy to be there, as if you couldn't tell from the picture!
For my birthday(even though my birthday is technically not until the 24th) my SUPER, AWESOME, AMAZING, hubby, hired a sitter, took me out to my FAVORITE restaurant(Osaka's) and then took me to the mall and let me pick out a few things I wanted! To me, that is about the BEST gift he could give me. It was so nice being out together, and alone. We didn't have to RUSH out of a store to calm one of our crying children, or worry about diaper changes, it was just about being together and well lets face it, SPOILING ME for the night! I love that he knows JUST what to do to make me happy! Thanks babe!
Tomorrow is HIS actual birthday and I plan on doing something special for him too! Unfortunately for y'all, SHHHHHHHHHHHHH that will have to be a surprise for later. Its nothing SUPER BIG, but just lots of things I want to do to show him how much he means to me!
So totally off that subject, but still talking about the BEST family. I think I got the BEST mommy award Friday, when I made special cookies for Carson's Christmas party at school. Usually, when his school has little parties, they ask each parent to bring something. This year, they asked me to bring Christmas cookies(HOW EASY). I could have picked some already made ones up from the store, but instead I wanted to go that extra mile. I decided I would come up with someone creative and make Carson PROUD! So, I found a cute recipe for some cookies and went to work. Well, in all honestly, I didn't actually MAKE the cookies, but the decoration is ALL ME! :-)
Well....for now that is all I have, I will let you know how Derek's birthday goes tomorrow! :-)
Happy early birthday!! Dates are always fun! Those cookies are super cute. :)