Monday, January 4, 2010

Whats wrong?

I know lately I have been a little bit of a "Debbie Downer" if you will. I probably have freaked LOTS of you who are my friends on Facebook out, with all the negative and sad posts. PLEASE FORGIVE ME! I know I probably had some of you thinking I was diagnosed with an uncurable illness, my marriage was falling apart, or something was wrong with my children....NONE of which is the case. Although I cannot lie, some things have been going not so great in my life, I know things could be ALOT LOT LOT WORSE!

I cannot really elaborate on the situation, but what I can tell yall is that *SOMETHING* took place recently that could of completely crushed all my hopes, dreams, and plans for going to school. This *Something* was really serious, and could not be easily fixed without God's true favor, and my faith. When I say that I was completely DEVASTATED, that would be an understatement. The thought of all my hard work being flushed down the drain was heartbreaking and I was truly wondering what in the world was happening in my life.

Thankfully, the situation resolved itself and today all was made good and right in the world for me! :-)

GOD IS GREAT, and so are all of you who sent a little something up to the man in charge in my name!


  1. So glad everything is ok, but you have me so curious! Even more now than before! :)

  2. So glad that everything is OK!!! I have been praying alot for you; I was really worried! But God is always faithful!!
