Thursday, October 1, 2009

Acts of Love and Kindness

Recently, I was chatting with my mom about her women's group at church. My mom lives in Virginia Beach, Va and goes to a HUGE and what sounds like AMAZING church up there. On Wednesday mornings she goes to a group called Wave Women. She shared with my a little about last weeks message and it just struck a cord in my heart! It was so inspiring and touching that I wanted to share it with all of you because it can be applied to just about any and every situation in life. Some of you will read this and be immediately touched, know that God had me blog this just for you today, while others won't feel the impact of this blog for weeks possibly. Either way, I feel it is well worth sharing.

The name of the message was LOVE IN ACTION

The gist of all this is to actually show love(God's love) with your actions, but there are three things you must obey and accept while doing this

1.) You must stay close to God
2.) Prepare yourself to be inconvenienced
3.) Understand that it may cost you

Some of you might be thinking well.... what does that MEAN? well let me just give you a short interpretation(my own) and maybe it will become clearer. Ok I am pretty sure we all understand what "staying close to God means" but what about preparing yourself to be inconvenienced?

Ok, lets say you have a fun night all planned out and it entails you going out to dinner with some friends! As you are walking out the door you get a call from another friend whom you haven't spoken with in a while. She/he tells you they are stranded on the side of the road, and ask you to please come help them. This friend tells you they have called everyone they could think of and you are their last resort. Even though you know this will inconvenience you, and alter your plans you go and help anyway...that is STEP 2-preparing yourself to be inconvenienced. You get there, help your friend get back on their way(maybe they needed gas, a ride, or had a flat tire) and by the time this is all done your other friends have already went out and had fun without you. That is step 3- Understanding that it may cost you!

That right there is love in action. Sometimes, actually MOST of the time we are called to do things in life that we DON'T necessarily want to do. It can be a true hassle, an inconvenience, it can totally disrupt our plans, but that is exactly what God's love in action is. God is working through us all the time using our ACTIONS to spread his LOVE. Keep this in mind today when you are called to do something that you really don't WANT to do...ask yourself is this God trying to spread his love through your actions?

Have a blessed day everyone!

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