Friday, February 5, 2010

I could sleep for days!

Seriously, I could. I have no clue why, but this week I have been soo stinkin tired. Last night, I was asleep by 8:45 p.m. and the night before I was out like a light by 9:30. I think everything is finally catching up with me, and my body is craving some good solid sleep! These have been some very LONG days since school started, and I think I will defiantly be investing in some vitamin B6 this week to boost my energy levels! Like I said before I was in bed by 8:30 last night, I got up this morning at 6:45 to get the boys dressed so Derek could take them to school, I went back to sleep until 9 when I was promptly woken up by the astro man ringing our doorbell, and now(11:11 am) I am still feeling like I could go back to sleep for a few more hours! WHATS UP WITH THAT?!

On a different note, Tuesday was my Goal speech. It went very well. The judges seemed to really enjoy what I had to say, and had lots of good questions for me. I think I answered them all very gracefully, but I was unfortunately not one of the four finalist picked from our school. There were a total of 16 nominees, made up from students of all different majors at SWGTC, and only 4 were allowed to move on to the next level. As much as I thought I would be, I can honestly say I am not disappointed. I feel I did a good job, and I am just trusting that this wasn't in God's plan for me. I am honored I was just nominated in the first place.

School is moving along SO FAST! We are learning to insert NG tubes this week and let me just tell yall, I HOPE I never have to have one. I might end up being an exceptionally awesome nurse, but I can promise you I will be one of the worst patients. If I see someone heading my way, ready to shove a tube through my nose and into my stomach, I will kick, slap and maybe even BITE my way out of the room! JUST KIDDING(well maybe not). It looks terribly uncomfortable to say the least, and I will really be pitying any patients who are unlucky enough to have me inserting one.

My Godwin boys are all doing good! Derek is working like crazy (God love him for it) and the little Godwin boys are wild as ever! Carson's beloved Mater fell apart this week, and we are all morning the loss. Look at all we have been through with him:

I mean my goodness, we have been through Halloween's, beach trips, double riders, naked booty's, and tons more. We had some amazing times with Mater, and some great memories. When I think back to Carson's baby/toddler years, I will always remember his MATER! We bought him from Target before Camden was born( Carson was around 15 months old) and I can honestly say there didn't go a day that Carson didn't play with him. As you can see in the last picture, he had gotten to the point he was relying on tape to keep him going. His steering wheel has begun to crack and was at the point of falling off, and I am sad to say Wednesday night he finally bit the bullet! :-(
FORTUNATELY, my mom couldn't bear the news and went right out and ordered a NEW MATER. Carson is going to be overjoyed when he gets that package, and we will be happy to have him back in the family. I wish I could of videotaped Carson's reaction when Mater fell apart. He said, "OH NO MOMMY, we have to go to WALMART right now and get new Maters!" I wasn't sure we'd even be able to find another one or if they still made them, but I am thankful to say they do!

On a final note, lots of people warned me that I may put on some pounds going to school. They said the stress factor, and my butt plopped in a desk most of the day might just do it. I am THANKFUL to report that SO isn't my case, in fact I have lost about 8 lbs and am now only about 8lbs away from my PRE-CARSON weight! It has been a long road getting here, but I am super proud and feeling like a HOTT MAMA again! I'd like to loose a total of about 15 more all together, but I can honestly say I am starting to like my body again! I think the STRESS and lack of time to eat has actually helped me during school and not hindered me one bit. I also try to snack healthy and keep water at hand instead of hitting the vending machines up for Soda's and snacks. Those of you trying to loose CAN DO IT! I am the proof!

Alright, time to get to this cleaning I have been avoiding all week! Have a blessed Weekend!

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