Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tubes and Tee-Tee

Well it is official. Camden will be having his tube surgery on the 29th of this month. I met with the ENT yesterday(Dr. Swartz) and he was just as sweet as I had heard he would be! He came in the room and immediately started a conversation with Camden! We had a long talk about Camden's ears, and if you remember correctly about 2weeks ago Camden has developed another ear infection. Well, as of YESTERDAY he still has it. I had a feeling Dr. Swartz would tell me that because really there has been no change in Camden's behavior and that old stubborn ear just refuses to cooperate with antibiotics period. I am asking you to just pray peace for Camden for a few more weeks until we can get these tubes in to help get him relief! We will continue to keep him on this antibiotic(although I am not really sure why at this point because it is doing nothing) until his surgery per his Dr. Last night was though, he woke up 3 times crying hysterically, so neither of us is running on a whole lot here lately! Since this whole ear infection mess has gotten so bad, I have reverted to having Camden sleeping BACK in our room with us, because I want to be there for him if he needs me.Walking across the house numerous times a night seems like a not so appealing idea! I am looking forward to a happier Camden and more sleep for both of us, that is for sure!

On a funnier note, I caught Camden skateboarding yesterday...See?

He is so hilarious! How in the world he managed to get himself under our kitchen table and straddle the skateboard I have no clue!

Carson's eye is a ALOT better! Weirdest thing ever, I think it was all due to a mosquito bite! The reason for this is because one had bitten him on his back the day after and it swelled almost as big as his eye, hmm maybe he is allergic? I guess from now on I will be sure to cover him with some S.O.S! In potty news, Carson is making PROGRESS(THANK YOU LORD :) ) He has "tee-teed" as we call it, twice in the potty and I really think he is catching on. Last night we put him tobed and he REFUSED to go to sleep. He kept calling his daddy and I, and swearing he had to "tee tee" we put him on the potty twice and nothing happened. I figured this was just his way of not wanting to go to sleep, but the third time he did this we put him back on the potty and sure enough he DID IT! I am super proud and think that maybe this is a start to a GREAT thing!

oh and quick update on that precious baby Rylan I asked you to pray for-He is doing MUCH better! The originally thought he contracted Group B Strep, but after many tests they now think he has just picked up a nasty bacterial virus and hopefully in a few days he can return home! Thanks for keeping him prayed for! :)


  1. Poor baby!! Will be praying for him! We go to the ENT on Friday, for next step as my daughter continues to get ear infections.we are on #8 in 9 months..I am 90% sure he will say tubes...Glad to hear his eye is better!!

  2. Hi. Somehow I came across your blog, and wanted to tell you I'm praying for your little boy.

    Also, it is sooo funny, but my son is named Camden and my daughter is named Halle. :)

  3. I found your blog from april rose's blog and could relate to the antibiotic resistant ear infections! I dreaded my daughter getting tubes but I have to tell you... I wish I had done it sooner. She has not had an infection since she got them on April 2nd and I was so happy with the procedure. I know your son's procedure is this week and I will say a prayer for you on Friday! It is nerve racking to hand them over (i was REALLY nervous) but it was done in minutes and there was no IV which I was greatful for! :)
